BlogFrom Staff Leadership
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From Staff Leadership

What’s in your “go” bag? 

by Gillian Harrison Cain

Director of Member Programs Gillian Harrison Cain reflects on her "go" bag and the ideas, values, and habits Atla may need to pack this year.

From Staff Leadership

A Holiday Wish for All

by Brenda Bailey-Hainer

Executive Director Brenda Bailey-Hainer reflects on singing in a choir this season and encourages us to celebrate Atla's many voices.

From Staff Leadership

Tech Topic: Keeping Your Online Accounts Secure

by Jim Butler

In this month's Staff Leadership column, Director of Information Systems Jim Butler shares best practices to secure your online accounts.

From Staff Leadership

Who Are We?: A Look at the Diversity of Atla’s Institutional Members

by Brenda Bailey-Hainer

Atla Executive Director Brenda Bailey-Hainer answers the question, did the Bylaws changes that the membership approved in 2016 have the desired influence on the institutional diversity of Atla?

From Staff Leadership

Religion in the Public Square: Innovative Resources, Projects & Programs in Religious Literacy and Interreligious Dialogue

by Margot Lyon

Director of Business Development Margot Lyon discusses interreligious dialogue in the public square and provides resources to help libraries develop their own interreligious programming.

From Staff Leadership

Making Sense of Standards

by Maria Stanton

Director of Production Maria Stanton and recently elected Vice Chair of the NISO Board of Directors, reflects on the important work and impact of NISO.

From Staff Leadership

Atla Association Update 2021

by Brenda Bailey-Hainer

Executive Director Brenda Bailey-Hainer shares her annual update on the association.

From Staff Leadership

Another Online Gathering

by Gillian Harrison Cain

Director of Member Programs Gillian Harrison Cain shares how the conference committee and staff have worked to make Atla Annual an engaging experience for attendees, which also includes your help.

From Staff Leadership

What Does It Take To Be a Theological Librarian?

by Brenda Bailey-Hainer

Executive Director Brenda Bailey-Hainer discusses core competencies and invites your input in this month's From Staff Leadership.

From Staff Leadership

(Slowly) Leaping From a Datacenter to the Cloud

by Jim Butler

In this month's Staff Leadership column, Director of Information Systems Jim Butler shares how Atla moved our systems to the Cloud, creating a seamless transition to remote working.

From Staff Leadership