Meetings / EventsProfessional Development
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Professional Development

PDA Series – Exploring Black Digital History

Join ASERL for their webinar on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 1 p.m. CST, as part of the on-going PDA series.

PDA Series, Professional Development

Elevator-Pitch Series: Advocating For Open Educational Resources In Your Library

by Brad Ost

Learn how to sell your administrators on open educational resources (OERs) for the library in this Elevator Pitch Series webinar.

Events, Professional Development

All About Fair Use

by Christine Fruin

In this second of four webinars on copyright, Christine Fruin explains all about the fair use doctrine of copyright law.

Copyright, Events, Professional Development

Patron-Driven Acquisitions: Implementing a Sustainable, Transferable Model

by Jeffrey Waldrop

Dr. Jeffrey Waldrop, Dean of the Mercer University Libraries, describes how he brought the PDA model originally developed at Fuller Seminary to a much larger and different institution.

Events, Professional Development

Creating and Nurturing Your Digital Identity

by Maha Bali

Sponsored by the Atla Scholarly Communication Committee, Maha Bali will help participants create a digital identity on Thurs, April 8, 2021, at 2pm CT.

Professional Development, Scholarly Communication

Professional Development Alliance: Register for February’s Professional Development Offerings

Atla partners with other library consortia and organizations to create a Professional Development Alliance (PDA), offering Atla members free webinars. View February's list of nine sessions!

Events, PDA Series, Professional Development

Copyright Basics

by Christine Fruin

Atla Scholarly Communication and Digital Projects Manager Christine Fruin goes over the basics of copyright in this first of four webinars on copyright.

Copyright, Professional Development

Simple Ideas to Spice Up Your Virtual Presentations and Workshops

Learn how to create engaging virtual presentations and workshops on Thurs, Jan 28, 2021 at 1pm CT. This webinar is part of the PDA Series.

Events, PDA Series, Professional Development

Patron-Driven Acquisitions: Implementing a Transferable, Sustainable Model

by Jeffrey Waldrop

Join us on Thurs, Feb 18, 2021, at 12pm CT as Dr. Jeffrey Waldrop discusses the patron-driven acquisitions model and how to implement it.

Events, Professional Development

Professional Development Alliance: Register for January’s Professional Development Offerings

Atla partners with other library consortia and organizations to create a Professional Development Alliance (PDA), offering Atla members free webinars. View January's list of seven sessions!

Events, PDA Series, Professional Development