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Atla Open Press

Atla provides publications and tools to help members remain current in the field, learn from others’ experiences, and share knowledge and subject matter expertise with colleagues.

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The Atla community shares resources and networks through formal and informal groups, learning from one another and giving back to their colleagues.

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Resources for Librarianship

Atla provides resources and programming for libraries and their patrons.

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Atla Open Press publishes open access books, journals, and other serials.

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Recent News

Atla Annual 2024

Our community of collectors & connectors from around the world will convene for the 2024 Atla Annual Conference, June 19-22 at the Hilton in Long Beach, California. 

Atla LibGuides Hosts Catholic Subject Guides Through The Atla CRRA Program

Announced last year in 2023, CRRA members voted to dissolve and CRRA formally became a program of Atla. Through the new CRRA Program, Atla is excited to continue to offer Catholic-focused resources.

Atla Annual Presentations Now Available on Skilltype

We are excited to announce that select Atla Annual presentations will now be available on Skilltype for Atla members!

Atla Announces 2024 Digitization Grant Program Recipients

Atla's 2024 Digitization Grants are awarded to the Graduate Theological Union, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and Congregational Library and Archives.

C4DISC Announces New Resource in “Toolkit for Equity” Series

C4DISC announces the release of a new resource in their C4DISC Toolkit for Equity Series.

Register for May’s Webinars from the PDA

Atla partners with other library consortia to give free access to webinars for Atla Members. View May's list of webinars from the PDA.

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